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Samaritan's Purse Christmas Shoebox Program
Visit this link to find out about Christmas shoeboxes for children:
If you would like to pack a shoebox, we have tons available in the vestibule (lobby) of the sanctuary. There are pamphlets which should answer any questions you may have about what and how to pack the shoebox. If not, ask a member, we will be glad to help!

Lottie Moon
A young woman serving as a clerk for the Foreign Mission Board signed for the small brown package. She probably wasn’t aware at the time that the package contained the ashes of Charlotte Digges Moon — the Lottie Moon who was loved in China and revered in the U.S. and whose legacy would become a symbol of Southern Baptist missions around the world.
Forced out of China due to malnutrition and sickness, Lottie’s 50-pound frame could not survive the journey back to the United States. Though thousands mourned her passing, her life’s work in China represented eternity to many. She was the missionary who believed strongly in the teaching of young girls and started schools, though the community’s men scorned her for it. She passionately spoke out against the gruesome practice of foot-binding, offering relief to hundreds of girls whose families were swayed by Lottie’s persuasive arguments against it. She visited thousands of homes to teach the Scriptures, evangelized while she walked from village to village, and led in her Chinese church. She wrote letters back to the U.S. pleading for more funds, more workers and more prayer.
Near the end of her ministry, she had given of herself, her food, her supplies so completely, that she had little left on this earth, but riches abundant in heaven.

Some call her “indefatigable.” John Roberts calls her “indomitable.” Roberts is pastor emeritus of Woodbrook Church, formerly known as Eutaw Place Church, where Annie Walker Armstrong spent three fourths of her life in ministry.
At the local church level, Armstrong taught in the Infant class (also called the Primary Department, for children up to age 12) for 50 years. All the while, she maintained an interest in ministering to mothers, immigrants, the underprivileged, the sick, African Americans, Indians, and later in her life, her Jewish neighbors.
Without today’s technology, Armstrong wrote letters by hand to all the Southern Baptist foreign societies. On one occasion, she asked them to contribute to the first Christmas offering, which resulted in enough money to send three–not one, as had hoped–missionaries to assist Lottie Moon in China.
The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for Foreign Missions, so named at Armstrong’s recommendation, has raised over $2.6 billion for foreign missions.
Armstrong died in 1938, the year of WMU’s 50th anniversary. She was buried at Greenmount Cemetery in Baltimore, in the same cemetery as John Healey, the Second and Fourth Church pastor, who started the first Sunday School in this country, and Richard Fuller. How did she do it all?
Roberts asked the same question. Those who knew Armstrong personally told him she had a really intense prayer life that gave her real spiritual energy.
For more information about Annie Armstrong, please visit www.anniearmstrong.com/whoisannie/